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Categoría: Periodontics

Gum grafts in Barcelona

The gum graft is a surgical technique that allows us to increase the width and height of the gingiva in the event of small root exposures , increasing the depth of the vestibule and eliminating the application of braces.

At our Dental Clinic in Barcelona Casanova 25 we take care to ensure that our patients understand that good oral health includes taking care of all dental structures, both soft and hard .

Gum grafts in Barcelona
Gum grafts in Barcelona

What is a Free Gingival Graft

This procedure aims to restore health to the periodontium , control the etiological factors of periodontal disease and reconstruct the consequences of such disease. The aim is to create a suitable band of inserted gum that halts progressive gingival recession, restoring those teeth affected by insufficient gum .

A Free Gingival Graft is particularly indicated in the treatment of small gum recessions in the lower arch, and when the gums of the adjacent teeth are light pink. By ensuring keratinized tissue gain, this will facilitate the oral hygiene of our patients, reducing the accumulation of bacterial plaque.

It is also a technique that we use in the correction of mucosal defects in implants, with the aim of expanding the keratinized gingiva that surrounds them .

Various techniques such as free gingival grafting, connective tissue grafting, acellular matrix, and apical repositioning of the vestibular flap have been used to create a keratinized peri-implant tissue that is easier to maintain and more resistant to mechanical stress.

Gum grafts in Barcelona

Advantages of gum grafting

  • Bleeding of the gums gradually reduces, until it stop completely.
  • Reduction of mobility, this is an effective treatment to prevent tooth loss and and avoid the progression of periodontitis.

Contraindications of gum grafting

  • Where there are factors that limit instrumentation, such as root anatomy, dental crowding, oral aperture, cheek elasticity. In these circumstances, the procedure can take a little longer.
  • Some tissue may be lacerated during the procedure.
  • People with pacemakers, those who are immunosuppressed, or with diseases communicable through aerosols.
  • Sensitivity following scaling and root planing therapy, because by cleaning and deflating periodontal tissue it reduces in volume and small 1-2mm gum retractions may occur.
Gum grafts in Barcelona

Self-ligating technical drawbacks

Gum grafts in Barcelona

FAQs about Gum grafts in Barcelona

How is damage to the periodontal tissue measured or quantified?

Through periodontal probing, the periodontal groove (Health) and the periodontal sac (Disease) can be measured. If the probe is under 3 millimeters, we would be talking about gingivitis and a hygiene/scaling treatment will be performed. If the probe is above that number, a curettage/scraping and root planing treatment would be undertaken.

Is it normal to experience sensitivity?

Yes, in some cases the dentinal tubule is exposed and the stimulus passes quicker, together with small gum recessions that can occur when the tissues are no longer inflamed.

What can I do about post-treatment sensitivity?

Come to the clinic and we will perform topical applications of fluoride or desensitizer once a week on the sensitive areas, and you should use a sensitivity toothpaste for 3 months. If after one month the same symptoms continue, a filling can be applied to the exposed root surface or periodontal surgery to cover up what was exposed.

How long can post-treatment sensitivity last?

Depends on the condition of the tissue in each individual patient.