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Anti-snoring mouthpiece

Posted on 07/02/2016
Anti-snoring mouthpiece

An anti-snoring mouthpiece might be just the solution you need.

What is primary snoring?

Primary snoring is the most bothersome type of snoring. Snoring is primary when air passing over the larynx makes it vibrate. This type of snoring is very annoying, especially for anyone who sleeps in the same bed. There is also another type of snoring, deep snoring, which must be diagnosed at a sleep clinic.

Some people have breathing problems when they are lying down.

We spend the day in an upright position that makes it easier to breathe properly. However, the jaw and tongue relax when we lie down, and it is in this position that some patients have problems breathing.

Sleeping with a mandibular advancement device (MAD) helps to stop snoring.

Primary snoring may be alleviated by using a MAD. This anti-snoring mouthpiece helps move the jaw forward to open the airway while you are sleeping so that air passes over the larynx without vibrating to prevent snoring.

The mouthpiece keeps the jaw in a forward position.

The anti-snoring mouthpiece places the jaw in a slightly forward position to open the airway and mitigate snoring.