Conscious dental sedation
Posted on 23/03/2015
![Conscious dental sedation](images/noticias/med_width_1427148124110_F_57298910_qmOd5MBlqD6N8rqCcv2cRWd2tKHgfJdM.jpg)
The sedation is an anesthetic technique done by a specialized doctor to achieve a relaxing effect on the patient thanks to a combination of medicines. Furthermore, an anti-pain effect is also achieved. This technique is increasingly used in the dental field.
Who is authorized to practice a dental sedation?
Only a doctor specialized in anesthesiology and reanimatology can practice a dental sedation.
When to opt for a sedation:
- When the patient wants to have greater comfort during treatment as in the case of long duration treatments or complicated surgeries like implants
- Patients with dentist phobia or very anxious patients.
- Patients that do not cooperate. In this group handicapped patients could be included.
- When you want to do the entire dental treatment in one day. In order to save time and gain comfort some patients might prefer to do it all in one session. This must be valued previously to determine if it can all be done in a three hours sedation period.
What precautions must we be aware of before a conscious dental sedation?
- Do not eat 4 hours before the appointment
- Do not drink 2 hours before de appointment
- Explain to the medical team all the medication taken at the moment and your medical history up to the current date.
- Do not present any symptoms of flu, fever or cold.
Rules to follow after a sedation treatment :
- Never leave the dental clinic alone. You must always must be accompanied by family or a friend
- Do not drive vehicles 12 hours after the appointment
- Do not practice dangerous activities 12 h after the treatment
- Do not drink any alcoholic beverages or take any toxic substance 12 h after the appointment