Dental treatment without sedation for children
Many people do not take care of their oral health for fear of the dentist and with it the possibilities of caries or periodontal diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis are accentuated.
The vast majority of dental clinics offer the service of conscious sedation treatment, which consists mainly of reassuring the person who is going to visit the dentist through anesthesia, where the patient enters a state of relaxation, but always conscious at all times . The treatment of conscious sedation has a double functionality, first of all, the patient is relaxed - kept while the dentist does the oral examination and, secondly, relieves the pain in situations such as the extraction of a wisdom tooth or in more surgeries complicated as the placement of dental implants.
Conscious sedation is usually used in people who have panic when visiting the dentist and, especially, in children since, generally, they do not like to go to the dentist, they are very active and do not know how to sit still.
In our dental clinic we use the treatment in those adults who really have a hard time visiting the dentist, but in infantile cases we prefer not to use conscious sedation, unless the circumstances tell us the contrary. If it is not necessary to use it, in the clinic we have the pediatric dentist, who has a lot of patience and endurance to calm the children without the need to relax them.
In another previous article, we explain in more detail in which cases the intervention of conscious sedation is advisable, what precautions should be kept in mind before and after treatment and the advice that the patient should follow after using the treatment. We invite you to read the article "the technique of dental sedation" in detail.
If you have not visited the dentist for a long time because of fear but you need to do an oral examination, at the Eixample Casanova 25 dental clinic we can help you make the visit more bearable thanks to the conscious sedation treatment. But if the visit is for your child, you can rest assured that the treatment is not used a priori with the children.