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Dental whitening

Posted on 10/03/2015
Dental whitening

We use Quick White


Is it true that whitening techniques harm teeth?

The dental whitening technique that it is used at Clínica Dental Casanova 25 is based on photoactivation. This means that the gel that is used in this technique is activated by Light and therefore there is no risk of harming the nerves of the teeth, something that could occur with other whitening techniques that apply heat to the teeth.

How long does it take to have my teeth white?

At Clínica Dental Casanova 25 in only one session your teeth will be white

How is the treatment done? Does it hurt?

In order to be able to do the whitening treatment it is necessary to have a healthy mouth with no cavities and clean teeth. A hygiene must have been done at least one week before.

This is not a painful technique but it may cause transitory sensitivity during the treatment and the day after. 

The whitening treatment involves applying Light cycles to the teeth once these have been covered by the whitening gel.  Three light cycles of 8-10  minutes each will be applied at the dental clinic.  Once the cycles are completed we will give the patient two trays of whitening gel for him to apply at home during three days for 30  min each day. After this the treatment is completed.

What recommendations should patients that have had a whitening treatment follow?

We would advise the patient not to smoke 72 h after the session and to avoid  coffe, colas, red wine , strawberry or any other food products with strong coloration.