Fear of the dentist
How many times have you heard someone say: “I haven’t been to the dentist in years because I’m afraid” or “Just thinking about going to the dentist makes me panic”?
Many professionals in the field have patients who have told them that they’re afraid of their dentist visits and have stopped making regular appointments for check-ups.
How can I get over or lose my fear of dentists?
How can I get over or lose my fear of dentists?
At the Casanova 25 dental clinic, we implement the perfect solution to help any patient say goodbye to their fear of dentists: conscious sedation. This technique is performed by a licensed anaesthetist, who, by administrating certain medicines, reduces the patient's state of consciousness in such a way that he or she can relax and in many cases be treated at our dental clinic.
The patient stays awake during sedation and is relaxed and able to breathe on his/her own. The patient can return home once the visit is over, as conscious sedation is administered on an outpatient basis.
What type of patients need conscious sedation?
Patients with any of the following can opt for treatment:
- Patients with a strong fear of the dentist.
- Patients with disabilities.
- Patients who have a long-term treatment, like dental implants, and want to be relaxed or comfortable during procedures.
- Those patients who want to have a treatment done in just one day. These are usually patients that don’t have any phobias or fears, but who have very little time and need to get everything done in one visit. These types of situations have to be individually evaluated to determine if they are feasible or not.
If you are afraid of the dentist but it’s time for a visit, conscious sedation is the solution to your problem. Make an appointment and ask us for more information.