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Can both the implants and the teeth be placed the same day?

Posted on 22/03/2016
Can both the implants and the teeth be placed the same day?

Good morning. Today we continue our series of articles that respond to questions about dental implants from our patients at our dental clinic in Barcelona. Let's go:

Can both the implants and the teeth be placed the same day?

Placing the implants and teeth on the same day should only be done in very specific cases that show signs favorable for success in terms of bone quality and quantity. However, the quality of the prosthesis that we can offer in these cases is greatly influenced by the time factor, as the procedure will be performed while the patient is with us at the clinic. We can offer temporary resin teeth which will later be replaced by permanent ceramic teeth for maximum aesthetics. Ceramic treatments cannot be performed on the same day, because we depend on our prosthetist, so in these cases it is only possible to attach predesigned resin teeth (teeth that are not specifically tailored to the patient’s mouth).

So, in short: we can place implants and teeth on the same day, if the quality and quantity of bone are right, and the provisional teeth in this case will be made out of resin, which must be later replaced by ceramic teeth after a few months, depending on how the gums heal after surgery.

At what age can implants be placed?

The implants can be placed in young people after they have stopped growing, usually at sixteen for women and eighteen for men. Adults of any age can get implants.

What is required for a successful dental implant treatment?

The conditions that ensure implant success include:

  • Proper planning of each specific case
  • The surgeon’s hands and experience (the size of the implant and its correct placement)
  • The creation of the prosthesis, taking into account the loads to be supported and the correct setting to prevent unexpected forces that overexert the implants.

How much do dental implants cost?                                                                     

Please contact us for an obligation-free quote.